Subject Choice

Towards the end of the Grade 9 year, learners are expected to choose which subjects they would like to continue studying in the FET phase (Grades 10 – 12). For this they will require a subject choice assessment. Assessment can be done face-to-face or online.

Four of these subjects are compulsory. Learners are required to study 2 official Languages, Mathematics (learners can choose between either Core Mathematics – also known as Pure Maths – or Mathematical Literacy) and Life Orientation. They then have to choose a minimum 3 subjects

Most schools will present their learners with a list of subjects to choose from. Generally students are expected to choose a combination of subjects that will guide them into an occupation or tertiary studies when they leave school. This process can be very confusing and Subject choice assessments are of great benefit in guiding students through this decision-making process.

Subject choice assessments generally consist of the following tests:

  • Aptitude Test. This will help to pinpoint the learner’s strengths and will also indicate areas of weakness. It will help to determine which field of study will best suit the learner.
  • Personality Test. This will help establish which future careers will fit well with the learner’s personality.
  • Interest Questionnaire. The interest questionnaire is used to determine which future career the learner shows the most interest in and from which the learner will gain the most satisfaction.
  • Values Assessment. This helps to establish which values are most important to the learner.